Friday 3rd February 2006
Zoology Classics vs. Club 414
Friday 3rd February 2006
CLUB 414 [map]
10pm till 6am
£10 all night - £8 with Flyer/Paying Guest list
Full names to guest@vinylzoo.co.uk
Ticket Info:
Full names to guest@vinylzoo.co.uk
The second of our new theme of parties continues with Zoology Classics. A night dedicated to the best tunes ever made, across the whole spectrum of Dance and Hard Dance, is proud to present the most unusual versus night ever.
You’ve had Zoology vs. Frantic, Zoology vs. Redtrip to name but a couple. Now Zoology Classics pits itself against a whole club.
On February 3rd 2006 the 5 Zoology residents team up with 5 DJs from 5 promotions all based at the legendary Club 414.
So onto the line up…
Zoology vs. Techstyle
Techno is one of the longest running forms of dance music and as a result it has a ton of classics to choose from. Marcopilf and B.S.E, who are both actually Techstyle residents, pair off for the first time to get things going with a varied selection of Techno.
Zoology vs. Spangulation
Following that with a bit of Classic Trance action is Markus Buhmann alongside Spangulation founder Steve Hitch. Steve is quite simply an amazing Trance DJ rated by everyone who hears him. Alongside Markus they will move the night forward with an uplifting blend of Trance Anthems.
Zoology vs. Puzzle Project
From those cheeky people behind Swamp, Puzzle Project is currently taking the scene by storm with their innovative line ups packed with quality DJs. Front man Mad Phil will be alongside Latex Zebra to deliver a set of Hard Trance classics, probably leaning to the European side.
Zoology vs. Just Groove
Just Groove is one of the longest running Hard Dance parties on the scene. Every Sunday the truly hardcore descend on the 414 for a final bit of weekend mayhem. Roosta, who as well as being resident is a massive name in Hard Dance will play against RedCaT for a classic Hard Dance set.
Zoology vs. Paradoxx
Last but not least is one of the newest additions to the 414 family. Long time friends of Zoology and now providers of quality parties, and after parties, is Rant from Paradoxx. Along with Elvis they’ll finish the night with an energetic set of NRG infused Hard Dance classics.
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