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Forums Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to register?
Can I use smilies?
Using HTML
Using BB Code
What are moderators?
Can I change my profile?
Do you use cookies?
Can I edit my own posts?
Can I attach files?
Can I search?
Can I add a signature to the end of my posts?
Is there a username/password retrieval system?
Can I post links to audio files like my latest DJ mix?
What's the name of that tune?

Registration is only required if you wish to post, there is no anonymous posting allowed on this site. Registration is free, and you are not required to post your real name. You are required to post your actual email address, however it will only be used to email you a new password if you have forgotten yours.You also have the option of hiding your email address from everyone except the administrator, although this option is not selected by default. You can edit your details by clicking here or register by clicking here
You've probably seen others use smilies before in email messages or other bulletin board posts. Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile :) or a frown :(. This bulletin board automatically converts certain smilies to a graphical representation. The following smilies are currently supported:
What to type Emotion Picture
:) Smile 
:( Frown 
;) Wink 
:D Big grin 
:p Razz 
:cool: Cool 
:rolleyes: Roll eyes (sarcastic) 
:mad: Mad 
:eek: Eek! 
:confused: Confused 
:spin: Spin 
:evil: Evil 
:cry: Crying (very sad) 
:freak: Freak 
:mess: Messy 
:sleep: Yawn 
:[] Disturbed 
:lol Laughs out loud 
:tong: Its all going Pete Tong 
:rasp: Raspberry 
:blush: Blush 
:?: Question 
:dead: Dead 
:B): Black eye 
:* Star 
:nervous: Nervous 
:thumb: Thumbs up 
:sus: Suspicious 
:screw: Screw you ! 
:shock: Shocked 
:chin: Scratches Chin 
:wave: Waves 
:bang: Bangs Head 
:yum: Yum ! 
:yuck: Yuck 
:mwah: Mmmwwah! 
:stupid: Duh, stoopid! 
:spam: Spam! 
:tosser: Tosser 
:war: War! 
:tumble: A tumbleweed rolls gently by... 
:badteeth: Bad Teeth 
:bunny: Bunny 
:computer: Geekery 
:cry2: Cry's more 
:cylon: Cylon 
:dance: Dancing 
:fight: Fight! 
:ill: ill 
:lecture: Lecture 
:licklips: Licks Lips 
:love: In lurrve 
:lurk: Lurker! 
:turd: Turd 
:demo: Demonstrate 
:shoot: Shoots 
:slayer: Slayer 
:whip: Whip 
:devil: Devilish 
:idea: Idea 
:moon: Moons 
:nerner: Ner Ner! 
:thumbd: Thumbs Down 
:wiggle: Wiggles 
:worship: Not worthy... 
:cheers: Cheers! 
:mongoose: Mongoose 
:angel: Angel 
:bounce: Bounce 
:chef: Chef 
:clap: Claps Hands 
:dj: DJ 
:drink: Drinks 
:hammer: Hammer it out 
:help: Help! 
:hyper: Hyper! 
:nono: No No 
:rofl: Rolls On Floor Laughing 
:shhh: Sshhhhh 
:sulk: Sulks 
:yell: Yells! 
:geek: Geek! 
:rave: Rave on 
:club: Clubbing 
:torture: Torture 
:beam: Beam me up! 
:couch: Hides behind couch 
:offtopic: Off Topic! 
:yeahthat: Yeah, that 
:bitch: Bitch! 
:hm: Hmmmmm.... 
:peace: Peace, maaan! 
:sucks: This topic sucks 
:rofl2: Rolls On Floor Laughing 
:life: Life Needed! 
:buried: Buried under work 
:duel: Duels 
:samurai: Samurai 
:violin: Plays Violin in Sympathy 
:clever: Clever Clogs 
:crutches: On Crutches 
:flowers: Gives Flowers 
:spin2: Spins on head 
:thankyou: Thank you, thank you! 
:love2: Love2 
:prayer: Says prayers 
:tempt: Temptation 
:kneel: Kneel, peons! 
:dropjaw: Jaw drops 
:romeo: Wherefore art thou, Romeo? 
:rumour: Rumour has it... 
:tune: TUUUUUUNE!!! 
:mexican: Mexican Wave 
:lol2: Laughs Out Loud 
:birthday: Happy Birthday! 
:shakehead: Shakes head 
:yay: Yay! 
:flees: Flees! 
:whogives: Who Gives a Fuck? 
:camera: Takes a snap 
:sailor: Hello Sailor! 
:sinking: Sinking... 
:sick: Sick and suffering 
:respect: Nuff respect innit 
:vomit: Spews! 
:viking: Viking 
:ymca: YMCA 
:stretcher: Stretchered off 
:alco: Alcoholic 
:bath: Takes a bath 
:mood: In a mood 
:mummy: Mummy! 
:unloved: Unloved 
:pirate: Yaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh!!! 
:tequila: Getting in the shots... 
:hug: Hugs 
:woot: Woooooot! 
:yay2: Yay! 
:yay3: Yay! 
:yay4: Yay! 
:piano: Piano playing Yay! 
:haha: Ha Ha! 
:bye: Goodbye! 
:slap: Slap 
:kiss: Kiss 
:kiss2: Kiss 
:hey: Hey! 
:badidea: Bad Idea 
:giveup: I Give Up 
:perv: Pervert 
:popcorn: Popcorn! 
:plunger: Plunged 
:nutter: Nutter! 
:box: Box 
:erm: Ermmm 
:moo: Moooooo! 
:loco: Es Loco 
:pants: P A N T S ! 
:tantrum: Tantrum 
:banana: Dancing banana 
:bringiton: Bring it on 
:bump: Bump 
:cheer: Go go go 
:floghorse: Flogging a dead horse 
:dunno: I dunno 
:finger: Showing the finger 
:flamer: Flamer 
:hijack: Thread hijack 
:oldtimer: Back in the day 
:oops: Oops 
:poke: Pokes with stick 
:pwned: Pwned 
:reading: Head in a book 
:shrug: Shrugs shoulders 
:tiptoe: Tiptoes 
:welcome: Come on in 
:zen: Zen 
:troll: Troll with stirring spoon 
:birthdaybumps: Birthday Bumps 
:f-off: F*** You! 
:hmpfff: Hmpfff 
:lastweek: That's so last week 
:sob: Sobbing 
:f-you: F*** You! 
:attention: Attention Seeking 
:baited: Baited 
:baiting: Baiting 
:google: Google it 
:handbag: Hangbags at Dawn 
:hippie: Hippie 
:knitting: Knitting 
:loser: Loser! 
:monkey: Monkey 
:nerner2: Ner-Ner 
:puff: Puffing 
:spammers: Bl00dy spammers 
:yay5: Yay 
:yay6: Lots of Yay 
:kissass: Kiss ass 
:ostrich: Bury head in sand 
:filenails: Filing nails 
:stir: Stirring 
:eyebrow: Raises eyebrow 
:brrr: Chilly, innit 
:bewaremods: Beware of the Mods! 
:faint: Faints 
:shark: Shark attack 
:teeheehee: Tee hee hee 
:thud: Falls to the floor, thud! 
:feedtrolls: Do not feed the trolls 
:christmas1: Christmas cheer 
:christmas2: Christmas cheer 
:christmasbeer: Christmas beer 
:france: Vive la France! 
:haha2: Ha ha ha 
:humbug: Bah humbug 
:jester: Court jester 
:jinglebaa: Jingle baa 
:oldsanta: Santa back in the day 
:plur: PLUR 
:reindeer: Reindeer 
:santa: Santa 
:snowman: Frosty the snowman 
:swing: Swing your partner round and round 
:happyhoffmas: Happy Hoffmas! 
:yaypiano: Yay but watch out for that piano 
:backpedal: Back-pedals 
:heart: Heartbeat 
:blah: Blah blah blah 
:pwned2: Cookie pwned 
:tapsfingers: Tapsfingers 
:tapsfoot: Tapsfoot 
:grope: Groping ass 
:fart: Someone farted 
:spy: Cookie Spy 
:love3: 3 way 
:woohoo: Woohoo oo oo oo 
:knight: Shining knight sans armour 
:muppet: Muppet 
:digshole: Digs hole 
:doh: Doh! 
:getscoat: Gets coat 
:piggy: Flying pig 
:stfu: STFU 
:redx: Dreaded red X 
:bitchfight: Fight! Fight! Fight! 
:devilperv: Devilish pervert 
:lalala: Not listening 
:facepalm: Face palm 
:rimshot: Badoom tish! 
:facebook: Facebook 
:myspace: MySpace 
:soundcloud: Soundcloud 
:twitter: Twitter 
:digg: Digg 
:stumble: Stumble Upon 
:delicious: Delicious 
:*: Shiny gold star 
:tinfoilhat: Shields up! 
:gmreq: Is is safe? 
:sneaky: Sneaky 
Using HTML
You may not use HTML in your posts. For information on how to post links and enhance your text see the BB Code section below.
Using BB Code
BBCode is a variation on the HTML tags you may already be familiar with. Basically, it allows you to add functionality or style to your message that would normally require HTML.

URL Hyperlinking
Simply type the complete URL in the following manner and the hyperlink will be created automatically (BBCode is in red )

[url] [/url]
Embedding - Soundcloud and Youtube
Simply copy the track or video url you want to embed and paste into the appropriate tag - the audio or video player will be embedded automatically (BBCode is in red )

[soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
[youtube] [/youtube]
Email Links
To add a hyperlinked email address within your message, just encase the email address as shown in the following example (BBCode is in red ).

[email] [/email]

In the example above, the BBCode automatically generates a hyperlink to the email address that is encased.

Bold and Italics
You can make italicized text or make text bold by encasing the applicable sections of your text with either the [b] [/b] or [i] [/i] tags.

Hello, [b] James [/b]
Hello, [i] Mary [/i]
You can make bulleted lists or ordered lists (by number or letter).

Unordered, bulleted list:

[*] This is the first bulleted item.
[*] This is the second bulleted item.

This produces:

  • This is the first bulleted item.
  • This is the second bulleted item.
Note that you must include a closing [/list] when you end each list.

Making ordered lists is just as easy. Just add either [LIST=A] or [LIST=1]. Typing [List=A] will produce a list from A to Z. Using [List=1] will produce numbered lists.

Here's an example:

[*] This is the first bulleted item.
[*] This is the second bulleted item.

This produces:

  1. This is the first bulleted item.
  2. This is the second bulleted item.
Adding Images
Images may be added to your messages by one of these two methods: (BBCode is in red ).

[img] [/img]

In the example above, the BBCode automatically generates an embedded image in your message.

The other way to include an image is to upload it to the site directly from your computer. At the bottom of the text box where you can type your message there is a an 'Upload Image' section. Use this to browse for the file on your PC and upload it.

Quoting Other Messages
To reference something specific that someone has posted, just cut and paste the applicable verbiage and enclose it as shown below (BBCode is in red ).

[QUOTE] Ask not what your country can do for you....
ask what you can do for your country. [/QUOTE]

In the example above, the BBCode automatically blockquotes the text you reference.

Code Tag
Similar to the Quote tage, the Code tag adds some <PRE> tags to preserve formatting. This useful for displaying programming code, for instance.

[CODE] #!/usr/bin/perl

print 'Content-type: text/html ';
print 'Hello World!'; [/CODE]

In the example above, the BBCode automatically blockquotes the text you reference and preserves the formatting of the coded text.

Note that the BBCode is not case-sensitive (thus, you could use [URL] or [url] ).

Incorrect BBCode Usage:

[url] [/url] - don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.

[email] [email] - the end brackets must include a forward slash ( [/email] )


Moderators control individual forums. They can edit, delete, or prune any posts in their forums. If you have a question about a particular forum, you should direct it to your forum moderator.

Changing Your Profile
You may easily change any info stored in your registration profile by clicking here.
Yes, we use cookies to store your login session. This allows you to return to the site within 7 days of your last access and not need to re-login. After this period your session expires and you'll need to type in your username and password again.
Our partners and advertisers use cookies for their own purposes, please click here to see our privacy policy for more information. click on the links below to see their current privacy policy and to change your settings.
Editing Your Posts
You may edit your own posts at any time. Just go to the thread where the post to be edited is located and you will see an edit icon by the message. Click on this icon and edit the post. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum moderator or the bulletin board administrator. Also, for up to 30 mins after you have posted you message the edit post screen will give you the option of deleting that post. After 30 mins however only the moderator and/or administrator can remove the post.
Adding Signatures
You may use a signature on your posts. If you click on the 'edit profile' link at the top of the page, you will be able to edit your profile, including your standard signature. Once you have a signature stored, it will be included in all posts.

Note: You may use BB Code in your signature.

Attaching Files
For security reasons, you may not attach files to any posts. You may cut and paste text into your post, however, or use BB Code to provide hyperlinks to outside documents.
Searching For Specific Posts
You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, a user name, a date, and/or a particular forum(s). Just click on the 'search' link at the top of the page.
Lost User Name and/or Password
In the event that you lose your password you can click on the 'Forgotten your password?' link provided in the login screen. The system will then email your password to the email address listed in your profile, assuming you supplied the correct email address.
Can I post links to audio files such as my latest DJ mix?
Yes, but you are responsibile for the content.
What's the name of that tune?
BK 'Revolution'

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